FPGA Based HFT System

FPGA Based HFT System


The FPGA-based High-Frequency Trading (HFT) system is specifically designed to operate on Borsa İstanbul (Istanbul Stock Exchange). It offers low latency and high-speed capabilities for executing trades in the markets. The specialized algorithms implemented on the FPGA enable the Mitrona HFT system to gain a significant competitive advantage and effectively position itself in the market.

System Features

  • Utilizes ITCH and GLIMPSE protocols for order book creation.
  • Supports OUCH protocol for sending orders and receiving responses.
  • Ultra-low latency.
  • Capable of recording market data and orders.
  • Modular and scalable architecture.
  • Advanced reporting and market analysis tools.
  • Web-based graphical user interface.
  • User authentication.
  • Support for developing custom algorithms on FPGA.